Friday 28 April 2023



Mars Rover - Perseverance

 Mars Rover - Perseverance
Diagrams of Features

Research Links for Mars Rovers

 Mars Rovers - Research Links

Mars Research Links

 Research Links for Mars

Friday 21 April 2023

ANZAC Research Task

 ANZAC Research

Look for the answers to these questions, or think of something else related to ANZAC that you would like to learn about.

Publish your facts on a puzzle piece. One piece per fact.

  • Who were the ANZACS and what did they do?

  • Where did the ANZACS fight, how did they get there?

  • What are the names of some famous wars that New Zealand has helped in?

  • What was the soldier's uniform like?

  • What did the soldiers eat?

  • What was the name of the ANZAC donkey and why is it famous?

  • Look up Gallipoli on Google Maps, what can you see there now? Mark where Gallipoli is on a small world map (ask Mrs R for a map)

  • What is an ANZAC biscuit and why are they significant?

  • What happens in a Dawn Parade?

  • Why are poppies a symbol of Anzac?

  • What does ANZAC stand for?

  • What are some interesting ANZAC vocabulary (words)?

  • How many ANZAC soldiers were killed? How many from NZ and how many from Australia?

  • What is the Last Post and why is it significant? Listen to a recording. What do you do in an Anzac Ceremony when the last post is played?

  • Find out information about the ceremony in Howick tomorrow - when is it? Perhaps you could go with your family. Write down the details so that you have them tomorrow if you do decide to go.

Links you can look at for your research:

Trench Life: World War 1

Here They Come - A Day to Remember